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The Latina History Project

Martha P. Cotera



Martha P. Cotera is nationally recognized as a feminist historian, independent scholar, and former archivist at the UT Benson Latin American Collection. Currently she is national advisor for Chicana Por Mi Raza Digital Project. Her writings include chapters in Bronze Womanhood (University of Texas Press) and Florecimiento Cultural del Pueblo Mexicano/Chicano en Estados Unidos (Universidad de la Frontera Norte Press) as well as the groundbreaking feminist texts, Diosa y Hembra: History and Heritage of Chicanas in the US and The Chicana Feminist. Other writings include over 100 essays, articles, and book chapters on activism, civil rights, feminism, and Latino history. She is a foundingmember of over 23 local, state and national organizations advocating for women and families. Awards and honors include the Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz Award (2008); the Raza Award for Outstanding Individual Effort in the Latino Community (2005); the IMAGE-National Award for Advocacy (2004); Outstanding Hispana Historian honoree at the Las Tejanas Symposium, Center for Mexican American Studies, UT Austin, 2003; and numerous other national, state and local awards for scholarship, leadership, and civic activism, from 1964 to the present.

Martha P. Cotera