Austin Chicano Cultural Center Calendar

Austin Chicano Cultural Center Calendar

Dublin Core


Austin Chicano Cultural Center Calendar


This bilingual calendar was issued by the Austin Chicano Cultural Center in 1973. It features sketches and brief descriptions of twelve Chicano/as detailing their many accomplishments. Featured persons: Felipe Martinez, Hermelinda Rodriguez, Richard Moya, Alfonso Ramos, Gabriel Gutierrez, Jr., Margarita Simon (Muñoz), Gustavo L. Garcia, George I. Sanchez, Paul Tovar, Marcelo Tafoya, Raul Guerrero, and Norma Louisa Govea Guerra. The woman featured here, Margarita Simon, is also part of the “Rostros y Almas/Face and Souls” exhibit which is on permanent display here at Southwestern University. Being that it was the Austin Chicano Cultural Center’s initial project (according to a foreword in the calendar), the calendar served many purposes. Not only was it used to showcase individuals who had contributed to the development of the Mexican-American community, but also, according to the calendar’s foreword, the calendar invited everyone “to participate in [the Center’s] activities and help in designing... programs which best meet the needs of the Austin Chicano Community.”


Austin Chicano Cultural Center



